Now that one of my posts -- The Mule Stands Alone -- has received the respected "Already Classic" designation and the right to display the certifying medallion, I feel that I have every reason to be proud.
It hasn't always been this way. I've been around, I've done my work quietly, not expecting a lot of recognition. That's been fine. Just doing a good job to me is reward enough.
But how nice is is to finally be recognized for something and to receive certification of the same. I appreciate it.
Being local -- not international, not an automated aggregator, etc. -- is a rarity these days. But that's the way I've always been. Local, right here on the scene, looking out for the well being of my family and community.
When you apply that to blogging, this is where the local guy can shine. Because we're looking out for things that the international bloggers and the automated aggregators are bound to miss.
How good it is to finally receive some glory, to be able to put that on my list of accomplishments, achievements, and to know that it was well-deserved.
I'm honored, blessed, and humbled.
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