Be kind to your muse today. We need a national "Be Kind To Your Muse" day. I declare October 23 to be it!
It's a day to celebrate the inner voice doing its creative, transcendent thing. That's one way of looking at it...
If it's an outside force, an inner gathering of thoughts and dreams, a mixture of both, or simply Oneness, it's all good.
I try not to brainstorm too much because that's just saying "Hurry up!" to your muse and not being kind to the inner spirit.
What I was thinking of a while ago is that it's all me anyway, and that if I'm patient I'll have what I need when I need it.
But in saying "it's all me" I'm claiming less than it sounds, since what is "me" anyway? It's something to forget and merge.
If some of the "me" stuff would only step out of the way, imagine the free, wonderful course your muse might take!
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