RT @oschambers: All of our fears are sinful, & we create our own fears by refusing to nourish ourselves in our faith.
What I needed to hear!
~Getcher Motor Runnin', head out on the highway, lookin' for adventure in whatever comes my way~ Yessssss! That's the way to live!
Live with Yer Motor Runnin' ... If you ain't Gotcher Motor Runnin', then Getcher Motor Runnin'!
~Yeah, darlin', gonna make it happen, get the world in a love embrace!~ Can there be any better attitude?
It's like this, the world's either got ME in a headlock or I got IT in a love embrace. Which would I rather have? Ha ha.
I've Gotmy Motor Runnin', but I didn't have before. It took something, not a lot of doing, but a FLASH. We're mental FLASH drives!
You can sit and stew all day.... "O Lord, help little ole me".... all day .... and nothing. It's almost worthless.
Then you're up against the wall and you look for one thing that connects with what you already have within you. That only takes a flash.
Suddenly, no more funk. Suddenly, the light of day has come. Don't fear. Fear is estrangement. Be confident. You are One with life. ONE.
Getcher Motor Runnin'! Getcher Motor Runnin'! Getcher Motor Runnin'! Getcher Motor Runnin'! Getcher Motor Runnin'! Getcher Motor Runnin'!
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